An epic ride
I just spent an amazing weekend in the mountains with my two best friends: Jesus and Andrew. Even though it was raining, we had an awesome time mountain biking. Another epic ride to add to my log, not that I'm really keeping one, it seems all our rides are epic in their own right. I am always amazed when I am out in God's creation, I love it out there and I am always drawn closer to Him. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a camera and the one on my phone doesn't produce very high quality pics. So you'll just have to use your imagination on this one.
Friday night, we camped in Didsbury and Jesus was so good to us. When we got there, it was raining lightly. We found a decent spot to set up our tent and it stopped raining. Pretty much as soon as it was set up, the rain started coming down again. On Saturday, we decided to go to Kananaskis Country instead of Drumheller. The rain was coming down real good in this part of Alberta. We were soaking wet before we even started riding. We didn't travel a long distance but it took a little while, partly because I'm out of shape, partly because it was wet. Even though the ride was short in distance it was good because we didn't break our bikes or ourselves. Afterwards, we went to Canmore and sat in Tim Horton's to warm up, read some books and talk about life. I finished reading a book that I have been reading called "The Shack", it is an excellent book, I definitely recommend it.
On Sunday, our ride began at the Canmore Nordic Centre. There are so many trails there, I don't know how many we were on. Some of the views are fantastic! There was one spot that I must tell about, it wasn't scary but after it happened it was like, 'Whoa! did that just happen?' So, we're riding down this trail and I can hear the sound of water running downstream. And sure enough we come to it and it is what it sounds like. Andrew gets to it first and crosses to the other side on foot to see if there's anything rideable on the other side. So I'm standing near the water's edge looking around, taking in the scenery. Andrew starts throwing some rocks into the water to make a little bridge to make it easier to get across. So I look around to see if there's anything on my side to throw in, next thing I know he's pushing over a dead tree from the other side towards me. I look up when I hear the crack and instantly raise my hands to cover my head as I realize the height of the dead tree. The tree falls quicker than my reflexes and is on the ground before my hands get any higher than my shoulders, and just barely grazing the side of my arm. Had it fallen six inches to the left, it would have hit me square on the top of the head. After a few seconds, I thought to myself: "Whoa! I just almost got hit by a falling tree!" Unfortunately after riding about 50 feet on the other side, the trail becomes unrideable so we have to turn around.
Normally, I'm more wary of the technically challenging parts of the ride because I know I'm not that good and rain always makes things more challenging but this time, I found myself more frustrated with the straight parts because they were the parts that were uphill and aerobically challenging. We got in a good 4-5 hours of riding and once again headed over to Tim Horton's afterwards.
Today was our lazy day, I know I was pretty beat from the ride yesterday and neither of us really slept all that well so we decided not to ride. We decided instead to drive. We drove up from Canmore towards Nordegg on Hwy 40 which ends up becoming one of them logging roads. After the paved road ended, we were on gravel and it reminded me of driving in Rwanda: very bumpy. We were pretty much the only ones driving on the road and the guys we passed going the other way were workers and I'm pretty sure they thought we were crazy especially since we had bikes on the back of the SUV. We saw a lot of deer and even though it was bumpy and slow going at times, some of the scenery was magnificent.
Spiritually, some of the things I'm taking away from this trip: a little bit better understanding of who God is, and re-learning how to let Him "BE" part of my everyday.