Welcome to Adventures with Phil v2.0

So what is/was Adventures with Phil and where did "Step it up a notch" come from? Well, I used to do Adventures with Phil e-mail updates to let everyone know about the happenings in my life. If you're wondering, I originally got the name idea from the Red Green show, where there's a segment called Adventures with Bill.
Now, where did "Step it up a notch" come from? Before I go into that, there's something else I want to say. Even though "Step it up a notch" was hilariously funny in its original context, and the 20 or so of us who were there will definitely remember it as such, I am finding it is becoming more than just something I say; it's like a life motto, like the one the Three Musketeers had.
As I think about the words "step it up a notch", what comes to mind is the idea of doing more/going the extra mile, which also brings to mind Jesus' teaching in Matt 5:38-42. For me, applying step it up a notch means going deeper with God, building stronger family relationships and recognizing that I have the ability to reach out to help someone in need, no matter what the need is.

This section is getting too long so please make your way to the sidebar to find the origin of the phrase "step it up a notch".

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is it possible...

Brace yourselves for this one, what I'm about to say will probably shock you. It may have you thinking that I've gone crazy or have you crying "occult" or "false teaching". Anyways, I believe I received a vision from God this morning. It gets tricky because I can't remember all the details. Here's how it went: In this vision, I was reading Brad and Alisha's blog (link on the side under 'Crawford family') and no there's nothing on there that's part of what I read. Then there's two lines that stick out but they don't stick out while I'm reading them, because I just keep on reading; they stick out after I've woken up. So I finish reading and I wake up (I know I'm awake because I hear the furnace start up); immediately I can see those two lines and the first thing that goes through my mind is "This is from God" if you were in the room at that moment I could have read those lines to you. Unfortunately I can no longer remember what they are but it was something only God would say. This is one of those "I can't tell you how I know, I just do" moments. Here's where most of you will say "Aha! if you can't remember it, it can't be something from God." but let's play a little game of "What if..." What if I can't remember it because I'm not supposed to share what was said but only the experience? What if it was God showing me that He still speaks in this manner? What if God was just using this to prepare me for something bigger? Is it possible? I believe that with God, anything is possible. Some of you may be wondering where did this vision stuff come from, I mean it's not like I've been talking a lot about hearing from God. Well, I have been reading a book titled "Can you hear me?" by Brad Jersak. All of what I've read so far is biblically sound, don't believe me, go read it for yourself, I picked it up at Christian Publications. On Tuesday evening I read pages 53-60 where he talks about hearing/seeing, imagery and spiritual blindness. I like what he says on page 57 "Must we truly blindfold our spiritual eyes for fear that seeing anything at all is dangerous?" and "Should we not be far more alarmed that we don't see at all than by what we may see and test by God's Spirit, his Word, and his church?"

Last night, I watched "Sometimes in April" one of the movies about the genocide in Rwanda. It was a sad movie. I can't even put into words what I'm feeling. The main character watched as his friend was shot while he fought within himself because he was given a machete to kill his friend. The brother watched helplessly as his nephews were killed. The movie depicted Westerners with no compassion whatsoever, not even a drop. So much hurt, but from what I hear, they are healing. Praise God for that, and our project trips to Rwanda will help with that healing process. It's hard to believe we leave for Rwanda in less than 6 days.


I love your blog it , it encourages me so much . Gods using it to get me to WALK again :) ( by faith hope and love; heart, mind and spirit)

I love you phil

"Let the River flow and cleanse the sin of the world!"

Awesome to actually get to know you your so quiet or busy when ever I see you. TY for your forgiveness towards and help for James - he is working (Really) in Ft. McMurray and living with his sister. Keep praying for his salvation.

ALSO it is very alarming that people don't see in the spirit and worse - that there are people - alot of them - that hinder and even attempt to destroy the ability of others to see in the SPIRIT - lining up with the teaching of Christ - that they love darkness rather then the light because of refusal to be reproved.

For instance when you lay hands on people and they give you permission to see in the Spirit re their lives - It is AWESOME what the LORD allows you to see and the relief from evil/sickness/delusion that comes about - I have always asked the Lord why can I see for others (and I always ask permission)but I cannot many times see for myself - HE Simply said - so that you can 1. help activate their eyes and also so that you will seek My help through and with others.

To God be all the GLORY - TY for pointing me to your blog.

May all who want to see in the Spirit do so and whatever is hindering them from doing so be taken out of the way.

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