Welcome to Adventures with Phil v2.0

So what is/was Adventures with Phil and where did "Step it up a notch" come from? Well, I used to do Adventures with Phil e-mail updates to let everyone know about the happenings in my life. If you're wondering, I originally got the name idea from the Red Green show, where there's a segment called Adventures with Bill.
Now, where did "Step it up a notch" come from? Before I go into that, there's something else I want to say. Even though "Step it up a notch" was hilariously funny in its original context, and the 20 or so of us who were there will definitely remember it as such, I am finding it is becoming more than just something I say; it's like a life motto, like the one the Three Musketeers had.
As I think about the words "step it up a notch", what comes to mind is the idea of doing more/going the extra mile, which also brings to mind Jesus' teaching in Matt 5:38-42. For me, applying step it up a notch means going deeper with God, building stronger family relationships and recognizing that I have the ability to reach out to help someone in need, no matter what the need is.

This section is getting too long so please make your way to the sidebar to find the origin of the phrase "step it up a notch".

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New blog

To anyone who follows my blogging, please visit my new blog @ http://philipchan.tumblr.com

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear God: I'm doing the best I can

As my life progresses, I can't help but feel a bit like an alien. What I mean is that it seems everywhere I go/have gone, it's like I'm just passing through and I don't really fit in. I don't know if I've ever felt like I belonged. Is this normal? Maybe life is just a series of "passing through"s? Will I ever find a place where I belong? A few months ago, I came to the realization that I really don't belong here, but also that no matter where I go in this world, I won't belong there either and it's because deep down, my spirit knows that I belong in heaven with my Lord Jesus; even so, for whatever reason, that offers me no comfort now.

Maybe Carrie Underwood has got it right; check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LraOiHUltak
I wonder if Carrie Underwood is a Star Wars fan; I wonder if she realizes that after she marries Mike Fisher, she will be Carrie Fisher... :D but I digress; I really must have ADD.
Oh, I am such a fool. Why do I keep making the same mistake again and again? A part of me just wants to give up, the other part doesn't; if you were in my shoes I believe that you wouldn't give up on me, so why should I give up on you? I just don't know what to do. I don't know why I can't seem to let God have this part of me.
And I am so tired; tired of running; running from the things that scare me; running away because I'm afraid of getting hurt.
Oh, I just don't know what I'm doing. Well God, you've definitely got your work cut out for you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Testing, testing, one, two, three

So, this blog post is supposed to automatically upload to facebook, but my last 4 blog posts have not automatically posted. So we will see what happens this time around.

I read an awesome quote the other day that I'd like to share:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. - Nelson Mandela

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back off! Get your own sandwich

I slept in today. It has been quite a while since I have done that, a very long while. It was almost 10 when I got up. I remember last week sometime, don't remember which day, it was probably Sunday, or maybe it was 2 Saturdays ago, well it was a day I didn't have to work, anyways I got up thinking it was probably pretty late (ie. after 9) and that I should be up getting ready to do whatever and when I looked at the clock it was 7:30! So today when I got out of bed, I expected it to be similar because it felt the same.

Where did this phrase "Back off, get your own sandwich" come from again anyways? I vaguely remember it being in a commercial from the 90's, but I can't remember what it was for. I think it had something to do with mustard... Anyways, I should get back to studying, my exam is tomorrow.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Used cows for sale

I am a terrible student. I find no motivation to study. Granted the last 2 weeks, er make that 5 have not been the greatest and so my studying has pretty much been non-existent. I'm pretty sure I have ADD. Or it is more than likely, as Leeland Klassen put it: "I have a learning disability; the technical term for my disability is called lazy."

How is it that I have survived the last 4 months? The only answer I can give you is: only by the grace of God. There really are no words that can adequately express how great my Jesus is. But I am reminded of the lyrics to a song by Relient K, the chorus goes like this:
Never underestimate my Jesus.
You're telling me that there's no hope.
I'm telling you you're wrong.
Never underestimate my Jesus
When the world around you crumbles
He will be strong, He will be strong

Finishing off my practicum was physically draining and unfortunately doing it as quickly as I did provided me no benefit. Moreover, by my calculations I should have been flat broke at the end of February. My part-time income came in around $700, my fixed expenses totalled close to $600 and variable expenses between $50-100. But then I found myself having to cover for one of my roommates as he lost his job and had difficulties paying rent and utilities. Where did that money come from? I don't know but somehow I was never short.

By now you can see that the title of this blog has nothing to do with its content. But you have to admit that you probably read this because you were curious as to what I had to say about used cows for sale :P Well I don't have anything to say except apparently it was an actual sign somebody put up :D

Friday, April 23, 2010

What's for dinner?

How about a BBQ burger? And BBQ chicken! And BBQ Pork Chop! All with rice :) It rained today, but not enough, we need more rain. Now we can tell that it's spring, the flowers are starting to grow, the trees are budding and the grass is green, no longer brown! The sun was out for the better part of the day so I decided to throw some meat on the BBQ for dinner. There was no wind, or at least very little when I lit the BBQ and the sky above me was clear. 10 minutes later, the wind whipped up, blew the fire out and it started to rain very lightly. As I'm relighting the BBQ, my roommate Andrew comes home and says "Philip! Crazy chinaman... BBQing in the rain!" Well it wasn't raining when I started, lol.

Now I'm stuffed, that was a lot of meat.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

First ride of the season/Training Day 1

Well, I pulled out the bike today and completed the first ride of the season/training day for the Ride to Conquer Cancer. It was not a very pleasant day for riding but I had to do it. High of +1C and winds up to 60km/hr. I rode from my house to the University, where I stopped to check out my friend's group project for his computer engineering course. Then I rode home again, but took a different route to stretch out the total distance travelled, which ended up being about 16 kms. The ride to the University had an uphill, but the trip back was harder because I was riding into the wind. I made up a tentative training schedule for myself last night and it will be quite intense, no easing into it. I'm hoping to do 3 days of riding per week with increasing distances each week. Once I get into May, I think I'll have trouble finding the time to ride the distances I am wanting to. Here's hoping I figure something out! Hmm, I should probably do weight training on the off days.... Another thing I'm wondering, should I implement some kind of dietary program to go along with this training? Can't say I've ever watched my diet; I normally eat whatever I want when I want. Oh well, something to think about another day!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lead me

So I bought the new Sanctus Real CD yesterday and I am really enjoying it. I don't own very many CD's mostly because I find that most of the time there's only 1 or 2 songs that I like and so I don't think it's worth buying the whole CD. Fortunately Sanctus Real has in my eyes, produced very good CD's. The last 2 albums of theirs I have purchased after only hearing 1 song, well actually this last one I didn't even really listen to any songs; once I found out they had a new CD out, I pretty much already knew that I was going to buy it, it was just a matter of time.
Anyways I cried when I heard the song Lead Me. It's just that lately I'm noticing that with the (older) people that I come into contact with, there's so much brokenness in their family lives. It pains me to see that but it breaks my heart because it's a reality in my own family. I know that it is a result of a fallen world, and it is absolutely devastating. The way I see it, man (as a gender) EPIC FAILed in the Garden of Eden, not for eating the fruit but for DOING NOTHING when Eve took it. At that point he gave up/lost everything he was supposed to be. Ever since, men have been failing to be the leaders they need to be, especially in the home and the result is the screwed up society that we have today. It is disheartening but the great thing is it doesn't have to be that way. As the latter part of this song states, we need to rely on God to help us. It is the hope and prayer I have for myself, for my dad, and for my friends.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hooray, as of today I have officially completed my power engineering practicum at the Glenrose Hospital! So in that sense the craziness has ended, but I still have 5 more days before I really get a day off as I am going to work at my paying job this week. I actually managed to knock a week off the "no day off" marathon by doing some extra shifts and I am glad I did otherwise I'd still have another week to go. The last 3 weeks have been rough, my studying has gone down the crapshoot, I got sick just over a week ago (my attempt to fight it was interesting to say the least, I will tell you the story if you ask me) and there were quite a few days that I did not sleep well, oh yea and I got in a car accident with a city bus 3 weeks ago. I will definitely not be doing something like this again ever... if it ever comes up, somebody please smack me upside the head. I definitely did not do this on my own strength, I have no doubt that God was with me all the way; I can barely remember most days of the past 6 weeks, but I do know that everyday that I can remember waking up and praying for God to help me get through the day.

As for the car accident, not a really big deal, I lost my driver's side mirror to the bus, at this point I do not know if I will be fined or have to pay for the glass on the bus door. Technically speaking, he hit me but I should not have been where I was when he did so it'll probably end up being my fault. It probably hurt my pride more than anything, which really isn't that bad of a thing.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 13

Day 13 of craziness... This week has been tiring, there were a couple of days last week that I went to bed too late and that came back to bite me this week. I know that I definitely have to rely on God to give me strength because I am pushing the limits of my own abilities. There is no way I am going to get through the next 5 weeks without His help. I am learning to hand over control of every aspect of my life to Him. It's strange because out of necessity, I am wanting to do so. Only 36 more days to go.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Going AWOL for a while.... or is it AWL...either way I must be crazy

Well if I didn't have much of a social life before, I definitely won't have one for the next 2 months. It looks like I will have the opportunity to start working as a licenced power engineer in April provided I can get all of my work experience hours and pass the provincial exam beforehand. In order to do so, I must work everyday for the next 2 months. I will have my 2 days of paid work and the rest of the week at the Glenrose Hospital volunteering to get my hours. Add on top of that studying for the provincial licencing exam and I pretty much have the equivalent of 2 full-time jobs, if not more. Yes, I must be crazy.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, it looks like it’s time once again for my year-end reflections. I was actually going to write this about 2 months ago after I had celebrated my 10th spiritual birthday. Well maybe celebrate isn’t the right word since I really didn’t do any celebrating; it was more of a time of reflection. It is hard to believe that 10 years has gone by since I found new life in Christ. As I look back over the years, I am ever so thankful for God’s mercy and grace and His unfailing faithfulness. I am especially thankful for His presence and guiding hand in the last few years as they have been tough ones; For a while, I know I really wasn’t actively pursuing God and as I wandered through the deserts and stormy seas of life, battled lonely and discouraging times, He was still there patiently waiting for me.

The year that was 2009; church and spiritual growth.

2009 was a blessing and a year of tremendous growth. I started attending a different church right at the end of 2008 because I really needed a fresh start, a new perspective not only in my walk with God but also on church. I had been in a place where I felt like I was no longer wanted; that was a shock to the system, I didn’t expect that, I had nothing to prepare me for it and it confused and discouraged me. I felt like I was wandering alone lost in a forest and nobody came looking for me. I know I probably could have done something to make things better but as is often the case in those dark times, one needs to be reached out to and given a light to follow; unfortunately there was none there.

So I found myself in a new place and even though there was going to be an undetermined time of transition, I thought I’d give it a try. After only a few months, I found myself signing up to go on a mission trip with the church. I was still very new and getting to know people but the fire to do overseas missions that God had birthed in me through eMi still burned. Boy was I in for quite a ride. God really solidified my faith in His providence as I really had no idea how I was going to get the money to go on the trip. In the end God provided through a friend who had money he wanted to put into something meaningful, tangible and that would be a blessing to others. The amount that he had was almost exactly my cost for the trip.

God also had a mighty work to do in my heart. Probably the hardest thing I learned was to forgive. About 3 months before the trip, I was forced to look back over my life in the last two and a half years and it was not easy. But it was time for me to deal with the hurts of feeling judged and unwanted, and to forgive and move forward. I had reaped a lot of negativity and discouragement over those two and a half years and it really wasn’t healthy. But I have discovered what I consider to be a glimmer of blessing through it all; as my world had been shaken up, it caused me to seriously question everything that I thought I knew, that I thought was real and that I thought was true. I still find myself asking the question, “What if everything you thought was true, isn’t?” I do not have an answer for that question but it challenges me and my faith because it causes me to really think things through instead of just accepting it.

In the four months leading up to the trip, I also learned to trust God more and also to trust people again. I had lost a lot of faith in people and unfortunately mostly in the people of God and their ability to show care and compassion.

Also before the trip, God led me back to a ministry I had been involved in before, but I had allowed the words of some people in my family and spiritual leaders to speak too loudly in my life and so I lost the passion to be involved. Not only did God reignite the passion I had for ministering to homeless people, He also got some of my friends involved and it has been a joy to see the passion they now have for it too.

Mission trip.

I really didn’t know what to expect on this trip; all I can say is that leading up to it, I felt that God was preparing me for something big. I really can’t say whether or not this “big” thing occurred. I mean, when I think of something big, I tend to think something spectacular or some great revelation. I would have to say nothing of that sort occurred. So what did happen? Well, we went down to Mexico with Hungry for Life for a build project in Rio Chico. At the base camp there, we did a lot of painting, some helped put in windows, and we did more painting, oh did I mention we painted? At times, some of the painting seemed like a futile endeavour as we painted non-smooth rocks (I think only those who were there can truly appreciate and understand what I mean). So we really didn’t do anything spectacular or any profound work but God reminded me that our role there was to be enablers; the simple and sometimes tedious work that we did freed up man-hours for Pastor Tomas and his workers so that they could concentrate on doing things to further their ministry to the native Indians living in the mountains. The work we did also helped make the base camp look beautiful.

I really enjoyed the devotional times we had. I was encouraged as Phil Yee presented his heart and desires to see each of us grow in our walks with God. Each day, what we talked about was relevant to me as it was something I was seeking for in my own walk and it made me happy knowing that there was someone else wanting to see others pursue the same things. God also reminded me of His great love for me. Across the road from the base camp, on the top of a hill, there was a cross. We climbed up the hill on the first and last days. In between those days, God stuck a song in my head, it was actually two different songs but at the time I had the words from both going and I thought they were the same. Both are by Third Day, the main song I had stuck in my head was Love Song; the second was I’ve Always Loved You. God used that to remind me that it is His love that carries me through everything, and provides the healing for my heart.

God also greatly encouraged me through Pastor Tomas’ testimony of how he started his ministry. Following in the footsteps of Christ, he ministers to those often overlooked by society and most in need of basic necessities. It’s so simple to do, anybody can do it.

An experiment in community living.

In July, me and my friends Andrew and Jimi had a discussion about community. I had already been increasingly dissatisfied with the prospect of “living the American dream”. It just seems like that’s what everyone does even if they don’t realize it. As I looked ahead to what life should bring my way in the next few years, I wondered if it’s possible to do things differently. Me and Andrew had, a couple years back when we were roommates, joked about each of us buying one half of the same duplex and living next to each other later on in life. Back when we first moved in together, we had the opportunity to get a glimpse of true community living as we had moved into a basement that wasn’t quite ready and we had to share a room as it was the only livable space available. Eventually we started to share a lot of our stuff too. Anyways, at the end of July, Andrew moved in with me again and Jimi came in October. The 3 of us currently share a room and I guess the goal is to see how far we can take community living. One thing we have already learned, community living doesn’t work well with a married couple. This is obviously because they don’t buy into our concept of community living; we will have to wait to see if it will even work with a couple that does buy into it, but I have no idea when/if that will happen. I think our other roommate Ben has pretty much bought into our concept of community living.


Well, I’ve finally finished my 4th Class power engineering course I have been taking. I know that at times I slacked and could have finished much sooner but it’s all done now. In a little more than a week I will be writing the first of 2 provincial licencing exams. I am currently getting my work experience hours at the Glenrose Hospital’s power plant on a volunteer basis but that’s better than nothing. I have to finish all my hours, which should be in April, before I can write the 2nd exam and get my ticket. So things are starting to fall into place. Having done the 4th Class course through correspondence, I’m quite certain I don’t want to do another course through correspondence again. I know that I need to get to at least a 3rd Class ticket so I’m currently thinking that I will probably go back to school for real come next fall.

So that’s all for 2009, now onto 2010, time sure goes by quickly. I was just looking on tsn.ca and noticed the countdown timer for the Olympics, that’s only 41 days away, crazy! Anyways, other than going back to school next fall, plans for 2010 include going back to Mexico and that’s pretty much it. Not much on the radar for now but I’m sure there’s plenty of adventure in store!

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