First ride of the season/Training Day 1
Well, I pulled out the bike today and completed the first ride of the season/training day for the Ride to Conquer Cancer. It was not a very pleasant day for riding but I had to do it. High of +1C and winds up to 60km/hr. I rode from my house to the University, where I stopped to check out my friend's group project for his computer engineering course. Then I rode home again, but took a different route to stretch out the total distance travelled, which ended up being about 16 kms. The ride to the University had an uphill, but the trip back was harder because I was riding into the wind. I made up a tentative training schedule for myself last night and it will be quite intense, no easing into it. I'm hoping to do 3 days of riding per week with increasing distances each week. Once I get into May, I think I'll have trouble finding the time to ride the distances I am wanting to. Here's hoping I figure something out! Hmm, I should probably do weight training on the off days.... Another thing I'm wondering, should I implement some kind of dietary program to go along with this training? Can't say I've ever watched my diet; I normally eat whatever I want when I want. Oh well, something to think about another day!
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